
New member
Apr 1, 2023
Craxsrat is a remote access trojan that allows a user to remotely control an Android device through a Windows PC. It has a range of features, including a file manager, live screen monitoring and control, camera monitoring, activity monitoring, microphone listening and speaking, and automatic call recording. This type of software is often used for malicious activities such as surveillance, data theft, and cyberstalking. It is important to be aware of the potential dangers of using remote access trojans and to only use them for legitimate and legal purposes.


File Manager: Allows the user to remotely manage the files on an Android device from a Windows PC, including viewing, downloading, uploading, cutting, moving, pasting, deleting, and hiding files.

Live Screen: Provides stable and live screen monitoring and control, allowing the user to control the mobile screen from a Windows PC and record the phone screen while also being able to type on the phone.

Camera: Allows real-time camera monitoring with high-speed connection and stability, supporting both front and back cameras, and the ability to take camera snaps.

Activity Monitor: Allows the user to monitor all phone activities, including text typed on the phone keyboard, open and close apps, notifications, and more. It supports both live monitoring and offline monitoring and records and saves all activities for later review, potentially to protect children from internet dangers.

Microphone: Allows the user to listen through the mobile microphone or speak through the phone from a Windows PC.

Call Recorder: Automatically records all phone calls, both incoming and outgoing, and stores the records for later backup.
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New member
Apr 3, 2023
Craxsrat is a remote access trojan that allows a user to remotely control an Android device through a Windows PC. It has a range of features, including a file manager, live screen monitoring and control, camera monitoring, activity monitoring, microphone listening and speaking, and automatic call recording. This type of software is often used for malicious activities such as surveillance, data theft, and cyberstalking. It is important to be aware of the potential dangers of using remote access trojans and to only use them for legitimate and legal purposes.


File Manager: Allows the user to remotely manage the files on an Android device from a Windows PC, including viewing, downloading, uploading, cutting, moving, pasting, deleting, and hiding files.

Live Screen: Provides stable and live screen monitoring and control, allowing the user to control the mobile screen from a Windows PC and record the phone screen while also being able to type on the phone.

Camera: Allows real-time camera monitoring with high-speed connection and stability, supporting both front and back cameras, and the ability to take camera snaps.

Activity Monitor: Allows the user to monitor all phone activities, including text typed on the phone keyboard, open and close apps, notifications, and more. It supports both live monitoring and offline monitoring and records and saves all activities for later review, potentially to protect children from internet dangers.

Microphone: Allows the user to listen through the mobile microphone or speak through the phone from a Windows PC.

Call Recorder: Automatically records all phone calls, both incoming and outgoing, and stores the records for later backup.
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great share thanks
Apr 2, 2023
Craxsrat is a remote access trojan that allows a user to remotely control an Android device through a Windows PC. It has a range of features, including a file manager, live screen monitoring and control, camera monitoring, activity monitoring, microphone listening and speaking, and automatic call recording. This type of software is often used for malicious activities such as surveillance, data theft, and cyberstalking. It is important to be aware of the potential dangers of using remote access trojans and to only use them for legitimate and legal purposes.


File Manager: Allows the user to remotely manage the files on an Android device from a Windows PC, including viewing, downloading, uploading, cutting, moving, pasting, deleting, and hiding files.

Live Screen: Provides stable and live screen monitoring and control, allowing the user to control the mobile screen from a Windows PC and record the phone screen while also being able to type on the phone.

Camera: Allows real-time camera monitoring with high-speed connection and stability, supporting both front and back cameras, and the ability to take camera snaps.

Activity Monitor: Allows the user to monitor all phone activities, including text typed on the phone keyboard, open and close apps, notifications, and more. It supports both live monitoring and offline monitoring and records and saves all activities for later review, potentially to protect children from internet dangers.

Microphone: Allows the user to listen through the mobile microphone or speak through the phone from a Windows PC.

Call Recorder: Automatically records all phone calls, both incoming and outgoing, and stores the records for later backup.
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thanks bro for share
Apr 3, 2023
Craxsrat是一种远程访问木马,允许用户通过Windows PC远程控制Android设备。它具有一系列功能,包括文件管理器、实时屏幕监控和控制、摄像头监控、活动监控、麦克风收听和说话以及自动通话录音。这种类型的软件通常用于恶意活动,例如监视、数据盗窃和网络跟踪。重要的是要意识到使用远程访问木马的潜在危险,并仅将其用于合法和合法目的。


文件管理器:允许用户从 Windows PC 远程管理 Android 设备上的文件,包括查看、下载、上传、剪切、移动、粘贴、删除和隐藏文件。

实时屏幕:提供稳定和实时屏幕监视和控制,允许用户从Windows PC控制移动屏幕并记录手机屏幕,同时还可以在手机上打字。



麦克风:允许用户通过移动麦克风收听或通过 Windows 电脑通过电话讲话。



New member
Apr 5, 2023
Craxsrat is a remote access trojan that allows a user to remotely control an Android device through a Windows PC. It has a range of features, including a file manager, live screen monitoring and control, camera monitoring, activity monitoring, microphone listening and speaking, and automatic call recording. This type of software is often used for malicious activities such as surveillance, data theft, and cyberstalking. It is important to be aware of the potential dangers of using remote access trojans and to only use them for legitimate and legal purposes.


File Manager: Allows the user to remotely manage the files on an Android device from a Windows PC, including viewing, downloading, uploading, cutting, moving, pasting, deleting, and hiding files.

Live Screen: Provides stable and live screen monitoring and control, allowing the user to control the mobile screen from a Windows PC and record the phone screen while also being able to type on the phone.

Camera: Allows real-time camera monitoring with high-speed connection and stability, supporting both front and back cameras, and the ability to take camera snaps.

Activity Monitor: Allows the user to monitor all phone activities, including text typed on the phone keyboard, open and close apps, notifications, and more. It supports both live monitoring and offline monitoring and records and saves all activities for later review, potentially to protect children from internet dangers.

Microphone: Allows the user to listen through the mobile microphone or speak through the phone from a Windows PC.

Call Recorder: Automatically records all phone calls, both incoming and outgoing, and stores the records for later backup.
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Great content
Apr 8, 2023
Craxsrat, kullanıcının bir Windows PC aracılığıyla bir Android cihazını uzaktan kontrol etmesine olanak tanıyan bir uzaktan erişim truva atıdır. Dosya yöneticisi, canlı ekran izleme ve kontrol, kamera izleme, etkinlik izleme, mikrofon dinleme ve konuşma ve otomatik arama kaydı dahil olmak üzere bir dizi özelliğe sahiptir. Bu tür yazılımlar genellikle gözetleme, veri hırsızlığı ve siber takip gibi kötü amaçlı etkinlikler için kullanılır. Uzaktan erişim truva atlarını kullanmanın potansiyel tehlikelerinin farkında olmak ve bunları yalnızca meşru ve yasal amaçlar için kullanmak önemlidir.


Dosya Yöneticisi: Kullanıcının, dosyaları görüntüleme, indirme, karşıya yükleme, kesme, taşıma, yapıştırma, silme ve gizleme dahil olmak üzere bir Windows PC'den bir Android cihazındaki dosyaları uzaktan yönetmesine olanak tanır.

Canlı Ekran: Sabit ve canlı ekran izleme ve kontrol sağlayarak kullanıcının mobil ekranı bir Windows PC'den kontrol etmesine ve telefon ekranını kaydederken aynı zamanda telefonda yazabilmesine olanak tanır.

Kamera: Yüksek hızlı bağlantı ve kararlılık ile hem ön hem de arka kameraları destekleyen ve kamera fotoğrafları çekebilen gerçek zamanlı kamera izleme sağlar.

Activity Monitor: Kullanıcının, telefon klavyesinde yazılan metin, açık ve kapalı uygulamalar, bildirimler ve daha fazlası dahil olmak üzere tüm telefon etkinliklerini izlemesine olanak tanır. Hem canlı izlemeyi hem de çevrimdışı izlemeyi destekler ve potansiyel olarak çocukları internet tehlikelerinden korumak için tüm etkinlikleri daha sonra incelenmek üzere kaydeder ve kaydeder.

Mikrofon: Kullanıcının bir Windows PC'den mobil mikrofon aracılığıyla dinlemesine veya telefon aracılığıyla konuşmasına olanak tanır.

Çağrı Kaydedici: Hem gelen hem de giden tüm telefon çağrılarını otomatik olarak kaydeder ve kayıtları daha sonra yedeklemek için saklar.
[Gizli İçerik]
great share, well done
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