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General Hacking Wifi info Skimmer for Windows Scripts & Strategy


New member
Apr 30, 2023
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Well, each one of us wants to hack as much WiFi as possible.
There are times when get your hands over the cheesy system of your neighbor or
when you don't have your hacker system at your disposal to crack passwords
and you just have a few seconds to skim off information from a computer
then this perfectly fits the bill.

What you need before you start?

O- Understanding of how to setup a basic server that can offer the script from the web as a download
O- Understanding to make an end-point where the script will send the info skimmed off from the computer
O- Basic Understanding of Programming Languages

If you don't know about setting up a basic server, you can hang in there till
I drop a tut later on. As I am working on another tut and in both of these server plays a crucial role in delivery of things.

( You only need a basic Django server for this, if you can make it get a file
and deliver a file, you are all good )

The reason why it uses Power Shell is that every windows computer coming from 8 has Power Shell in it.
And it is much more powerful and easier as compared to it's predecessor command prompt to code.

Plus It doesn't need the admin account to run, you need to have the computer for a few seconds.
You download it, run it and delete it using "rm script.ps1" so that it won't show up in the recycle bin.

Windows might save logs and they are not possible to delete in time frame of 10 to 20 sec.

When you will get home you can get the details of all WIFI connections
on all interfaces of that particular computer but for this you need to have access one time.

It will give you some basic idea of how your victim structures his/her passwords and the networks around him/her
making it a bit easier when it come to building custom word lists since existing word lists are useless most of the time.


=> This is the script you have to make your server send the computer that requests
You must reply before you can see the hidden data contained here.
When on the victims computer after downloading the script.
Press Shift and right click where you see refresh option below there would be another option to open
power shell in the current directory.

=> Open it

write ./script.ps1

When it is done

write rm script.ps1

close power shell and resume normal things or leave the computer

Also you can get the payload as a file and copy the script from a USB, I won't recommend it
since asking someone for their PC to check email then sticking a USB it don't look right.

One good thing of the USB method is that you don't leave traces in the eyes of ISP. While
good thing of other method is that you can get your script where you want and whenever
you want. Choose your strategy wisely and don't lick up.



Once you will get the response make sure your server saves it as a text file.
Then use this power shell script to bring that from bytes to normal text file.

This is done to reduce the amount of evidence ISP has that some website took
the data of all WiFi networks in plain text. It obscures it a bit by making it
look all garbled and numeric (not hexadecimal).
function Decode {
    param (
    $fileContents = Get-Content -Path $filepath -Raw
    $byteValues = $fileContents -split " " | ForEach-Object { [byte]$_ }
    $output = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetString($byteValues)
    $filePath = "converted.txt"
    Set-Content -Path $filePath -Value $output

O- if you have any questions please reply to this thread
O- if you liked this tut reply this thread also Smile
O- if you found this useful you have the option to send some XMR here

I will highly appreciate this, as I want to keep things free and open while getting some reward for my efforts as it takes time to make stuff like this.