Become King Of Hell

General Hacking Types of Hackers, What They Do, & Available Career Opportunities

Mar 8, 2023
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Types of Hackers

There are many types of hackers, each offering different career opportunities within their respective subtypes. We need to explore the five main types further:

1. White Hat Hackers
2. Gray Hat Hackers
3. Black Hat Hackers
4. Hacktivists

5. State-Sponsored Threat Actors

White Hat Hackers

White Hat hackers focus on legal activities. They do attacks only after obtaining permission from the company or organization, they always operating within legal boundaries. For example, consider a door lock manufacturing company aiming to check the security of its products. They might hire a locksmith/lock picker to identify weaknesses and suggest improvements. In the digital cyberspace, the same principle applies, with White Hat hackers uncovering security flaws and advising on measures to enhance protection. Companies often hire these individuals and compensate them for their services.

Gray Hat Hackers

Gray Hat hackers engage in both White Hat and Black Hat activities. While they primarily operate within legal frameworks, they may occasionally go for unauthorized actions. Unlike White Hat hackers, Gray Hat hackers typically work independently rather than being employed in cybersecurity roles or by specific companies. They might focus on bug hunting and similar legal things while occasionally going for shady illegal things.

Black Hat Hackers

After understanding Black Hat hackers you will understand Gray Hat Hackers Better. Black Hat hackers are essentially cybercriminals who engage in various illegal activities solely for personal gain or enjoyment. Their actions include carding, launching DDoS attacks, breaching systems, selling data on the dark web, and other malicious things. Many Black Hat hackers operate simply because they possess the skills to do so, sometimes without any specific financial motivation.


Hacktivists share similarities with Black Hat hackers but operate with a good motive. While their actions may seem illegal, but their intentions are good. just like Thanos, a villain with a good purpose. their desire behind the attacks is simple they just do attacks to effect change or highlight social or political issues. Unlike financially motivated cybercriminals, hacktivists primarily target governments and institutions, seeking to expose wrongdoing or advocate for human rights. Though their way of working may wrong but their aim is right

State-Sponsored Threat Actors

This type is also the same as blackhat hackers who engage in illegal activities, not for themselves or their team, but rather for their state. Governments support them in carrying out illegal activities for their own people or their enemies. They attack to protect their own state or exploit the weaknesses of other states. State-sponsored threat actors are mostly hired for spying purposes via intelligence agencies. They perform attacks on a large scale.