OPSEC / Anonymity Sharing files anonymously (services overview)

Jun 26, 2022
Today we will discuss secure and anonymous file transfer. The task at first glance seems simple and trivial, but it is not. How to solve this problem - there are many options. Let's compare file transfer methods and services that can help us with this, compare their functionality, pros / cons, and pay special attention to security and anonymity.

1) "Mega" ( http://mega.nz )
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2) File transfer through services such as "SendSpace", etc.
(sendspace.com, dropmefiles.com, wikisend.com, 2share.su)

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3) "Telegram" (telegram.org)
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4) "SafeBox" (sfbox.org)
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5) "Skype" (skype.com)
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6) "Signal"
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7) "Wickr"
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8) Discord
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