Microsoft 365 HTML Attachment Phishing [Offline Telegram-Based Page]

Jun 4, 2023
This page is totally offline that will send you credentials through a telegram bot.
You can attach it to Gmail or any other email service. This will be directly downloaded to your victim's PC when he will double-click to open it.
And enter his credentials of Microsoft 365 that credentials directly send it to your telegram bot.
Let me tell you how to set up it.

First of all download the attachment attached to this thread. It will cost you five hell coins. Now I'm zip the attachment and open the .htm file in any text editor. And edit the line of bot and chat ID. Here you have to put your bot ID if you don't have a telegram you can make one by searching @botfather on telegram. Also put your chat ID here. And done.
Now attach this file to any mail and send it. All the data victims enters will receive by your bot


Here is a demo video of the phishing page.

Video demo

if you have any questions feel free to comment below

