Windows Defender Remove [Batch Script]


Staff member
Aug 15, 2023
This batch script will effectively disable and remove Windows Defender from your PC. The script utilizes PowerShell and an external tool. It will first check for necessary permissions, then proceed to download NSudo developed by swagkarna. This tool will help to remove tamper protection from your PC. Subsequently, the script will disable each of the Windows security features one by one.
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Jul 25, 2023
This batch script will effectively disable and remove Windows Defender from your PC. The script utilizes PowerShell and an external tool. It will first check for necessary permissions, then proceed to download NSudo developed by swagkarna. This tool will help to remove tamper protection from your PC. Subsequently, the script will disable each of the Windows security features one by one.
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thnx bro
Feb 16, 2023
thaks you
This batch script will effectively disable and remove Windows Defender from your PC. The script utilizes PowerShell and an external tool. It will first check for necessary permissions, then proceed to download NSudo developed by swagkarna. This tool will help to remove tamper protection from your PC. Subsequently, the script will disable each of the Windows security features one by one.
[Hidden content]
Sep 30, 2023
This batch script will effectively disable and remove Windows Defender from your PC. The script utilizes PowerShell and an external tool. It will first check for necessary permissions, then proceed to download NSudo developed by swagkarna. This tool will help to remove tamper protection from your PC. Subsequently, the script will disable each of the Windows security features one by one.
[Hidden content]
Nov 3, 2023

This is a Windows batch script that appears to perform a series of actions to disable or modify various security and Windows Defender settings on a Windows system. Here's a step-by-step explanation of what each part of the script does:

1. `@echo off`: This command disables the echoing of commands to the console. It's a common practice to start batch scripts with this command.

2. `title Installing Packages`: Sets the title of the command prompt window to "Installing Packages."

3. `:: BatchGotAdmin`: This line is a comment and doesn't have any impact on the script's execution.

4. `REM --> Checking for permissions`: This is a comment indicating that the script is checking for administrative permissions.

5. `>nul 2>&1 "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\cacls.exe" "%SYSTEMROOT%\system32\config\system"`: This line attempts to check if the script has administrative permissions by running the `cacls.exe` command on system files. If it fails, it means the script doesn't have admin permissions.

6. `if '%errorlevel%' NEQ '0'`: This line checks the value of the `errorlevel` variable, which is set by the previous command. If it's not equal to 0, it means the script doesn't have admin permissions.

7. `echo Requesting administrative privileges...`: This line displays a message indicating that administrative privileges are required.

8. `goto UACPrompt`: It jumps to the `UACPrompt` label, which contains code to request admin privileges.

9. `else ( goto gotAdmin )`: If the `errorlevel` is 0, this line jumps to the `gotAdmin` label, indicating that the script has administrative privileges.

10. `:UACPrompt`: This is a label in the script, used as a reference point for the script to jump back to. Here, it prepares a VBScript (`getadmin.vbs`) to request administrative privileges using User Account Control (UAC).

11. `set params = %*:"="`: This line sets a variable `params` to the arguments passed to the script, with double quotes replaced with nothing.

12. `"%temp%\getadmin.vbs"`: This line runs the previously created VBScript to request administrative privileges. It will prompt the user to elevate permissions using UAC.

13. `del "%temp%\getadmin.vbs"`: This line deletes the VBScript used for UAC elevation.

14. `exit /B`: Exits the script. If administrative privileges are granted, the script continues from the `gotAdmin` label.

15. `:gotAdmin`: This is a label indicating that the script has administrative privileges. It continues from this point.

16. `echo msgbox "Please Wait While we install necessary packages for You!.Window will be closed after Installation!!!" > %tmp%\tmp.vbs`: Creates a VBScript that displays a message box to the user.

17. `wscript %tmp%\tmp.vbs`: Runs the previously created VBScript to display a message box.

18. `del %tmp%\tmp.vbs`: Deletes the VBScript after it has served its purpose.

The script then proceeds to perform various actions, including downloading a file (`NSudo.exe`), modifying registry settings, stopping and deleting the Windows Defender service, configuring Windows Firewall settings, and modifying various Windows Defender settings. Finally, it changes the current directory to a specific user's Startup folder.

Please note that this script appears to make significant changes to the security and system settings of the Windows system, which could have unintended consequences and may not be advisable. Always exercise caution when running or modifying batch scripts, and ensure that you have a backup and a clear understanding of the actions being performed.