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Effective methods of carding and scamming


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Dec 23, 2021
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The mood is such that I wanted to “moralize” a little on the topics: how to live, how to achieve your goals, how to realize the ambitions seething inside yourself, and how to interact with the outside world if you are an asshole not adapted to anything in life)) after reading the article, you may have a quite reasonable question: "how does this "reading" relate to carding ?!". Directly - none! In my opinion, many people recognize themselves in these lines. Everything that is described here is applicable in all areas, and as personal experience shows, carding is no exception!

Actually, based on which the idea of \u200b\u200bwriting this article arose - quite often different people turn to me with some questions, whether it’s a personal or a toad / ICQ. Most ask quite sane questions, to which they receive a detailed answer, and both of us are satisfied. The person received an answer, and I received moral satisfaction from the fact that I could help someone. But there are rare exceptions when specific fucking beggars or idiots with such stupid questions that it is incomprehensible to the mind "play out" in a person. Sometimes they ask you to throw away Gifts for free, and they say I'll try, but if I hit the jackpot, I'll give you 10 times more. Or make a technique for me, and I will act as a drop - as I resell - I will throw off a percentage for you. Yes, yes, this happens)) Some still from their appeal in such a way that it seems that I really owe them something.

But this article is not for them, they cannot understand everything described here under any circumstances! This article is for those guys who, it seems to them, are in a certain extreme because nothing always works out, and if it does, then the scale of everything is very meager. These guys can read the forum from cover to cover, but by doing so, the wind is still walking in their pockets. Most come to the shadow industry to improve the quality of their lives and achieve some non-trivial goals, such as buying a car, an expensive smartphone, fucking women for more expensive, etc. But after a collision with reality, hands drop. Now there is more than one film and even several books have been written, not to mention numerous articles on various resources, where carding is positioned as a kind of freebie, romantic adventures of a "hacker" and subsequently an unpleasant end to almost all such stories. Many people think that everything will be fine with them, they will fuck cash from stolen cards and never get caught. In fact, it’s still easier, after the first unsuccessful carding, hands drop. And all these romantic illusions - be sure that this is unlikely to happen to you, and the time is not right for a long time. Well, let's get started and I'll try to tell you how things really are.

So that you don’t think that I’m some kind of horseradish from the mountain and don’t have the slightest right to speak out about this, I want to tell you briefly about myself, so to speak, my own story and convey to many “hamster organisms” who who that nothing is impossible. I already briefly told this little story earlier, but here I will highlight the most important thing that should help you too!

When I was 5-6 years old. I was inspired by faith in love, God, and honesty towards other people. As the saying goes, do good and you will be rewarded. Although since childhood I was an adventurer by nature, I didn’t come up with anything to earn money, and then I could fuck off in front of my peers, some cool things, or something else. For which he very often received cunts from his mother, when specifically "I messed up." As a result, by the age of 18, everything that was possible was suppressed in me. I became a sentimental estrogen who fell into despair when women left me or nothing went well with new girlfriends, I couldn’t earn money normally, from which he was also constantly in a semi-depressive state. Fortunately, I changed my mind in time, looked at my surroundings, incomprehensible connections, women, friends, and other husks - it was decided to get rid of all this and start a new life and look for new acquaintances.

By the age of 18, I was already pretty good at front-end development and drawing well in Photoshop, and if I wanted to, I could even earn about $ 200 a week at that time, but comfortable conditions did not allow me to strain my ass and do anything. And at one fine moment, I realized that it was impossible and decided, so to speak, to leave my comfort zone and move out from my parents, and there come what may. I had about a hundred bucks in hryvnia equivalent in my pocket, I collected everything I needed, shorts, socks, etc. Iiii I also left my shack, and to another city. I will not say which one, but it is one of the four largest cities in Ukraine.

As soon as I arrived, my eyes widened from how beautiful everything is here and how cool the women are here, it was the center of the city. To be honest, I felt like a provincial girl who came to enter the university. Every minute the taxi driver took me farther and farther to the outskirts of the city, where, in fact, there was nothing left of the beautiful lights of the city center)

There was not much money and I rented an apartment for three days, all this time I was vibing specifically. I made up pages and drew layouts - everything so that I could eat something and have money to rent an apartment further, in the same or in another place.

I lived in such a tense state for about a month, until I rented a normal apartment for a year. During this month, I did everything I could, freelancing, throwing money on bulletin boards, and a bunch of other adventures related to fraudulent activities on the network. You can start to condemn me for this, but when you are in conditions where tomorrow you can be kicked out into the street and you have nothing to eat, you will fall into all sorts of extremes. By the way, around the time of this period, I got acquainted with carding and already somehow tried myself in clothing. Being engaged in clothing, I broke a bunch of firewood, but circumstances forced me not to give up and continue to work.

Constantly working, and not being distracted by anything, I was able to improve the quality of my life and earn money for those "toys" that I dreamed of. I met new, interesting people, etc. And what I really understood is that there is no freebie, it is not in principle anywhere! In everything I did, I had to work hard. If you went to the forum, read some manual, tried it and it didn't work out for you - don't think that it's all over and carding is dead. I sometimes had to kill up to 50 cartons for the sake of carding and nothing. The easiest technique to achieve something in any activity is to kick! Work constantly and with little rest, if you give up - force yourself. And the best thing is to get out of the comfort zone, drive yourself into such conditions - where instincts will force you to work,

During this period, I rethought life and understood its real-life, without invented illusions and patterns of society.

Here are the main tools that should help (but this is not accurate):

Work and only work - If you really want something, then it's not that hard to get. When you force yourself to work, it will certainly be difficult. But believe me, it’s impossible to convey in words the buzz when a constant return comes from your activity. There is nothing more important for a man than his business!

Set a goal - Set yourself a goal, albeit a small one, such as buying an iPhone. This goal can be achieved very quickly, as soon as the euphoria from the purchase passes - set a new goal, more global, and achieve it in any way!

Hammer on all frames and prejudices - There are no honest and rich people at the same time. These are two different people, if you want to make money, a lot of money, then in some situations you will have to neglect the social framework and the framework of the law.

Get out of your comfort zone - The main rule that will make you work 24/7. I will not explain why this is necessary, invent tests for yourself. I could give a couple of tips, but I'm afraid you can interpret them in your own way.

Change your social circle - if your "friends" are pulling you to the bottom, go-to drink, smoke herbs, etc. - these are not your friends, strive to communicate with more developed people and you will change yourself.

That's all, I hope you understand this article correctly and for someone, it will become a motivation to work and achieve your goals.