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Os Security Advanced Windows Privilege Escalation with Hack The Box

Aug 12, 2022
Username Style (Gradient Colours)
How to find and exploit modern Windows Privilege Escalation vulnerabilities without relying on Metasploit.

What you'll learn

  • How to use multiple methods to escalate privleges on modern versions of Windows 10
  • How to escalate privleges in CTFs such as HackTheBox, TryHackMe and more
  • How to succeed in CTF style exams such as the OSCP, eCPPT and CEH
  • How to level up your ethical hacking, penetration testing and red teaming skills to earn more money in your career

    This is a 100% hands on course as you will be using the same tradecraft and techniques Red Teamer's and advanced adversaries use to escalate privileges on Windows endpoints after they have gained initial access and established a foothold. This course is not "death by PowerPoint", in fact there is not a single Powerpoint slide in the course. This course is aimed for intermediate to advanced users who are hungry to know how to discover and exploit novel escalation paths on patched fully patched Windows 10 endpoints. Everything is carefully, explained - step-by-step.

    Additionally, although Metasploit is used in some attacks, we will be using less Metasploit and more manual walk-throughs because I wanted to take the time to carefully explain WHY each method works and detail how common misconfigurations happen in enterprise environments.

    Where Metasploit is used, everything is carefully explained and deconstructed so you can understand why and how it works. Exploits start easy and escalate in difficulty as you progress through the course.

    The Techniques

    You will quickly learn and execute the following escalation of privilege techniques across 5 vulnerable machines
    • Windows Kernel Exploits
    • Weak Registry Permissions
    • Token Manipulation
    • CVE Exploits
    • DPAPI Abuse
    • AS-REP Roasting

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