Become King Of Hell

Request For Ransomware Development RoadMap


New member
May 28, 2024
Career Goals
I want to be Ransomware Developer and BlackHat Hacker
Current Knowledge/Skills
I am expert in Web Development. Languages I know | HTML CSS | PHP Basics | C++ Basics | Python Basics | and some Networking Fundamentals. Also Know Linux and its Commands Most used
Education Background
Graduation Continues : Bachelor Of Computer Science Specialise in AI continuing fall 2024 | I Haven't Taken Formal Eduction in Cybersecurity
Experience Level
Beginner at RansomwareDevelopment | Joined Computer and cybersecurity field in 2020 | Just Vast of Theories in My Mind About Ransomware And BlackHat But Could not try Practically
I m a Computer Science student from Nowhere. with a background in web development (HTML, CSS, PHP basics, C++ Basics, Python Basics) and some Networking Fundamentals I m interested in ransomware development and black-hat hacking, but I'm still a beginner. Looking to apply my theoretical knowledge practically
I am completely passionate about working and learning on Ransomware and malware specially those which are written in C++ for window and linux


Staff member
Dec 23, 2021
Profile Music
Phase 1: Foundations

• Programming: Master C++ (Windows/Linux malware focus), Python (automation, scripting), Assembly (low-level programming).

• Operating Systems: Learn Windows internals (Registry, PE files) and Linux (file systems, permissions).

• Networking: Understand TCP/IP, DNS, VPNs, firewalls, and packet analysis. Tools: Wireshark, tcpdump.

• Web Development: Explore vulnerabilities (SQL injection, XSS).(for more understanding to offensive side but its optional)

Phase 2: Malware Development Basics

• Ransomware Structure: Study encryption algorithms (AES, RSA), file locking techniques, and key generation.

• Reverse Engineering: Learn disassemblers and decompilers (IDA Pro, Ghidra).

• Sandbox Evasion: Understand anti-VM and anti-debugging techniques.

• Practice: Write simple keyloggers, trojans, or encryption scripts.

Phase 3: Offensive Security Skills

• Exploitation: Learn privilege escalation (Windows and Linux). Tools: Metasploit, Exploit-DB.

• Red Teaming: Master lateral movement, persistence, and command/control (C2) tools like Empire or Sliver.

• Cryptography: Implement custom encryption schemes for ransomware payloads.

• Practice: Test payloads in virtual environments (use VMware, VirtualBox).

Phase 4: Advanced Malware Development(real phase)

• Custom Payloads: Develop stealthy, polymorphic malware to evade AV detection. Tools: Veil Framework, msfvenom.

• Advanced Techniques: Code ransomware to bypass EDR/SIEM systems.

• Zero-Day Exploits: Learn fuzzing techniques and vulnerability research for finding exploits.

Best way is to go for maldev academy or sector7 remember this shit sounds very cool but only few are able to achieve this. you have to study very deep level things for it. and you have to study the os in very deep level. Study a lot of exploits leaked and source codes of malware