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  1. pwnmaster123

    How would you hack the people on your network in 2024 is it still possible let's talk

    In the early days of WPA2 or even just a few years ago when Windows 11 was in its initial stages, hacking Wi-Fi networks and taking control of devices like laptops and phones through Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks was relatively straightforward. As MITM attacks started to become less...
  2. M

    Web Security Tools PETEP: TCP/UDP proxy alternative to Burp/Zaproxy (FREE, OPEN SOURCE)

    PETEP (PEnetration TEsting Proxy) v2.2.0 released! GitHub: Website: PETEP is an open-source TCP/UDP Proxy with support for modifying the transmitted data in graphical interface manually or using automatic rules. PETEP has multiple...
  3. D

    Network Hacking Create a Fake Wi-Fi Hotspot

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