malware development

  1. HeIIBoy

    Request For Ransomware Development RoadMap

    Hello I m a Computer Science student from Nowhere. with a background in web development (HTML, CSS, PHP basics, C++ Basics, Python Basics) and some Networking Fundamentals I m interested in ransomware development and black-hat hacking, but I'm still a beginner. Looking to apply my theoretical...
  2. Ythehacker

    Malware Development Essentials for Operators

    Introduction This article will delve into fundamental and techniques related to malware development for Windows OS, We’ll start by exploring the WinAPI, understanding how code manipulation works in the context of malware development. We’ll cover things like loading functions dynamically...
  3. D

    Malware Development Av Evasion Tips Collection

    Here i am going to post anti virus evasion tips that i got from internet: tip 1: Hidden content tip 2 : Hidden content tip 3: Hidden content tip 4: Hidden content tip 5: Hidden content tip 6: Hidden content
  4. D

    Malware Development Nim reverse shell w source code

    Hello, In this post I will be demonstrating some principles of malware construction by creating a reverse shell with source code included. The program will be written in nim. Note: this code is proof of concept use at risk. to start lets put some code hereHidden content Now lets look at...
  5. CyberGod

    Using SFX archives to bind FUD malwares

    Are you interested in creating SFX malware? Perhaps you have already written a virus or keylogger that is FUD and encrypted, but there's one problem: it's only a small .exe file that no one in their right mind would click on or download. Binding your malware to a clean file is a potential...
  6. D

    Redline Stealer Update 2023

    This malware harvests information from browsers such as saved credentials, autocomplete data, and credit card information. A system inventory is also taken when running on a target machine, to include details such as the username, location data, hardware configuration, and information regarding...
  7. CyberGod

    USB Spread C# & .Net Malware Source Code

    What is this program to do? infects all folders on flash media, that is, when the folder is launched , the distributor itself will start , you can also glue the build file itself with your exe. Write in a coma what functionality you would like to see this USB Spread. Download:- Hidden content
  8. CyberGod

    Gh0st Rat 3.6 Source Code

    Gh0st RAT is a Trojan horse for the Windows platform that the operators of GhostNet used to hack into many sensitive computer networks.[2] It is a cyber spying computer program. The "Rat" part of the name refers to the software's ability to operate as a "Remote Administration Tool". The...