Recent content by Keeper

  1. Keeper

    Web Development [Tutorial] jQuery Selectors & Basic jQuery Animation

    I intended to tutorialize quite a different topic but since my last tutorial was on SASS/SCSS, decided, I'd better carry on with this field and do a brief write-up on jQuery. As probably most of you already know, jQuery is one of the top-notch libraries for Javascript. Not only is Javascript a...
  2. Keeper

    Brute-forcing web-based authentication systems with THC-Hydra

    Brief Introduction Haven't seen a tutorial about any online brute-forcing methods, so I decided to make one. We gonna use the UNIX distribution of THC-Hydra and I'll go through some of its main features and different attack methods. I. How to install Hidden content I hope this tutorial will be...
  3. Keeper

    Search Engine Optimization Techniques #1

    Introduction: > The optimization for search engines (SEO) is the way your page or website as a whole is being indexed by the different search engines in the world. The 'visibility', the ranking and everything related to moving your website to a more decent position when a specific keyword or...
  4. Keeper

    Web Development XML Sitemap [SEO Optimization Through XML]

    What's XML Sitemap? As the name suggests, XML sitemap is an XML document that contains a list of all URL address that exist on your domain. This helps search engine crawlers/spiders to properly index the entire content of your website. As well as that every address in the map of the site...
  5. Keeper

    Web Development Javascript - Loop Escaping, EObjects, Events & Funcs

    Introduction: > This is a continuation of my first tutorial on Javascript Antagonism | Javascript Basics [Tutorial]. In this one I'll go through break and continue 'mechanisms' for escaping loops, embedded objects, functions and events in Javascript. I'll give out examples for every explanation...
  6. Keeper

    Web Development Javascript Basics [Variables/Arrays/Functions]

    Introduction: > Javascript is client-side dynamic programming language. It syntactically resembles Java but being a scripting language such as VBS it is being interpreted rather than compiled. In Javascript every procedure is a function no matter whether it returns a value or not. Also...